Social, Emotional, and Behavioral (SEB) Supports

Social, emotional, and Behavioral (SEB) Supports are part of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). The Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) framework and the Social-Emotional competencies from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) are both leveraged to provide training and resources for districts and schools implementing evidence-based, positive, and proactive practices that support and respond to students’ SEB needs. If you are interested in SEB support for preschool children, please visit our EC MTSS page.

Getting Started with SEB Supports 

  • Readiness Scope and Sequence of Professional Learning



School Leadership Team 

  • Description: The School Leadership Team builds and maintains an implementation infrastructure to support school staff in their use of effective innovations (e.g., Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Supports). This diverse and representative team guides the implementation, collects and acts upon data, and ensures communication with staff, students, and families
  • SLT Recruitment and Selection Guidance 

School Leadership Team Coach/Lead

  • Description: The School Leadership Team Coach supports a School Leadership Team (SLT) with the implementation of Tier 1 SEB Supports in the classroom and non-classroom settings. The coach leads and facilitates SLT meetings and helps coordinate this team's work with other school and district teams. This person works to develop the skills and processes necessary within the school to implement evidence-based practices that promote the well-being and SEB skills with adults and students.
  • SLT Coach Recruitment and Selection Guidance 

SEB Classroom Coach

  • Description: The SEB Classroom Coach focuses on developing teachers' use of evidence-based practices (SEB supports) to improve student’s academic, social-emotional, and behavioral skills.
  • SEB Classroom Coach Description 

District Community Implementation Team

  • Description: An integrated team that oversees the development and use of a district community implementation infrastructure to support schools to expand the SEB work to include mental health services at all three tiers.

Multi-Disciplinary Team

  • A group of individuals who consistently participate on the team responsible for overseeing intervention access and effectiveness. Team members typically include the school principal and staff with the highest reading, assessment, and behavioral expertise (e.g., reading specialist, school psychologist, teacher consultant, behavior interventionist). This team is not synonymous with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team as defined by IDEA (2014).
  • For more information, check out the Advanced Tiers page 

Trainer/Professional Learning Facilitators Resources

  • Description: Individuals who provide professional learning for their local district or region and access the MiMTSS TA Center resources and materials to support the training. 
  • New to accessing our materials? 
    1. Register and attend the session or series offered through the TA Center 
    2. Reach out to Valerie Vandlen ([email protected]) to schedule a consultation meeting following the series (access to materials, additional trainer resources, support in planning for delivery of training)


Data Tools

Data Tools

SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory

The SWPBIS TFI ( was developed as a single fidelity measure that can assess the implementation of SWPBIS at all three tiers and support action planning to improve implementation efforts. This one tool can support teams in monitoring the implementation of PBIS or SEB supports.

More information on how to get started can be found on the MiMTSS SWPBIS TFI page

Classroom Management Observation Tool

The Classroom Management Observation Tool (CMOT; Simonsen et al., 2020) is a brief tool that outlines the evidence-based classroom management practices we hope to see in all classrooms. Teachers can use this tool to self-reflect on their current practices. Coaches can use the CMOT to observe in classrooms, and then provide individual and group feedback. 

Register for the Classroom SEB Practices Coach Session to learn more about using the CMOT.


What We Offer

What We Offer

We have several professional learning sessions to meet the needs of teams and individuals in various roles.SEB sessions are available on an ongoing basis and can be found on the professional learning page.

Exploration and Readiness

  • Overview of Tier 1 Classroom SEB Supports
  • Overview of Tier 1 Non-Classroom SEB Supports
  • Overview of an Intervention System (Academic and SEB)
  • Overview of Advanced Tiers 
  • Overview of Mental Health Integration

Tier 1 Classroom Systems and Practices (Teachers, coaches, interventionists)

  • Tier 1 Classroom SEB Series
  • Coaching Classroom Systems and Practices
  • Behavior Interventions in the Classroom
  • Behavior Escalation and Scripts

Tier 1 School-wide Implementation

  • School-wide SEB Leadership Team Series
  • Strengthening School-wide SEB Supports
  • Community of Practice: SEB and PBIS Implementers

Advanced Tiers

  • Check-in/Check-Out (CICO)
  • Social Skills Intervention Groups (SSIG)
  • Intensifying Interventions
  • Functional Behavioral Assessment & Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP)

Mental Health Integration

  • Mental Health Integration for Districts
  • Mental Health Integration for Schools
  • Mental Health Awareness for Educators