Welcome to Michigan's Multi-Tiered System of Supports Technical Assistance Center (MiMTSS TA Center), previously Michigan's Integrated Behavior & Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI). View our upcoming professional learning opportunities for schools and districts.

Find Learning Session Materials
Materials from the TA Center Learning Sessions are available for download. Attendees from an individual Learning Session, a Learning Series, or participants in Ongoing Learning can search our sessions for the agenda, expected outcomes, and materials.

Get Started With MTSS Implementation
The MiMTSS TA Center provides many training opportunities and resources for building knowledge and skills to support MTSS implementation. Our Capacity Building section for ISDs, districts, schools, and staff can help determine which offerings best fit your needs, or search our list of upcoming and current learning sessions.

Access The MiMTSS Data System
The MiMTSS Data System helps participating ISDs, local districts, and schools gather and analyze data. Log in and review your dashboards and reports.
MiMTSS TA Center
YouTube Channel
The MiMTSS TA Center has a Youtube Channel. Check it out and consider subscribing.
- Training Videos
- MIMTSS Data Support
- Learning Session Presentations