The following is a collection of TA Center related publications.
Names of current and former TA Center staff are in bold.
The following is a collection of TA Center related publications.
Names of current and former TA Center staff are in bold.
Discover resources developed in conjunction with professional associations. These collaborations highlight our commitment to sharing practical, research-informed guidance with educators.
Barrett, J., & Bogart, L. (2006, Winter). Michigan's integrated behavior and learning support initiative. The Michigan Psych Report. Michigan Association of School Psychologists.
Bohanon, H., Goodman, S., McIntosh, K. (2009). Integrating behavior and academic supports within an RtI framework: General overview. Retrieved August 17, 2009, from
Bohanon, H., Hall, N., & Goodman, S., (2016). Why Districts Need Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports. National School Boards Association.
Bohanon, H., McIntosh, K., Goodman, S. (2009). Integrating Academic and Behavior Supports Within an RtI Framework, Part 4: Tertiary Supports. Retrieved November 12, 2009, from
Buxton, R. (2008). Michigan's behavior and literacy support initiative: School psychologist's role. Communique, 36, 8.
Center for Educational Networking. (2009). Flint Community Schools: Changing strikes into home runs for all students. Focus on Results. Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
Center for Educational Networking. (2012, June). Michigan's Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative expands support around the state. Focus on Results. Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (July 2021). Discussing Race, Racism, and Important Current Events with Students: A Guide with Lesson Plans and Resources. University of Oregon.
DIBELS Success: Michigan's Integrated Behavior & Learning Support Initiative. (2010, October). DIBELS Newsletter, 3, 2.
Equity Dispatch Newsletter. (2013, May). Using multi-tiered systems of support to advance educational equity. Great Lakes Equity Center.
Goodman, S. (2004, Winter). Leadership is essential for schoolwide behavior and learning Initiative. Leading Change. Michigan Department of Education.
Goodman, S. (2006, August). MiBLSi outlines a multi-level system of support for Michigan Students. Focus on Results. Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
Goodman, S., (Fall 2017). Lessons learned through a statewide implementation of a multi-tier system of support. Perspectives on Language and Literacy. International Dyslexia Association.
Goodman, S. (2019). Effective district supports for high school implementation of PBIS. In Flanner, P. Hershfeldt, and J. Freeman, Lessons Learned on Implementation of PBIS in High Schools: Current Trends and Future Directions. Center for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (funded by the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education). Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Press.
Goodman, S. & Bohanon, H. (2018). A Framework for Supporting All Students: One-Size-Fits-All No Longer Works in Schools. American School Board Journal, February, 1-4, 2018.
Goodman, S., McIntosh, K., Bohanon, H., (2009). Integrating academic and behavior supports within an RtI framework: Universal supports. Retrieved October 10, 2009, from
Goodman, S. D., & Schaughency E. (2001, September/October). Schools address correlation between behavior and reading difficulties: Data driven decision making practices inform about what does and does not work. CEN Newsline.
Goodman, S., Ward, C., & McIntosh, K. (2019). Four key actions for State Education Agency teams to support implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. National Implementation Research Network, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Harms, A., Nantais, M., Tuomikoski, K., & Weaver, S. (2019). Designing educational data systems to support continuous improvement. Association of Positive Behavior Support Newsletter 17 (1) 2-3.
Hartsell, K. & Hayes, S. (2012, August). Spotlight on MiBLSi. Spotlight Briefs. Regional Resource Center Program.
Kittelman, A., McIntosh, K., Mercer, S.H., Evanovich, L., Gulbrandson, K., Nantais, M., Norton, J., Way, G., Izzard, S., & Nese. R. N. T. (October, 2022). When Do Schools Receive Tier 2 and 3 PBIS Training? Center on PBIS, University of Oregon.
Malveaux, J. (2004, Winter). One program fits both: Behavior, reading intervention combined in Michigan. Counterpoint. National Association of State Directors of Special Education.
McIntosh, K., Bohanon, H., Goodman, S. (2009). Integrating academic and behavior supports within an RtI framework: Secondary supports. Retrieved October 10, 2009, from
McIntosh, K., Bohanon, H., Goodman, S. (2010, November). Toward true integration of academic and behavior response to intervention systems part two: Tier II supports. Communique, 39, 3.
McIntosh, K., Bohanon, H., Goodman, S. (2010, December). Toward true integration of academic and behavior response to intervention systems part three: Tier III supports. Communique, 39, 4.
McIntosh, K., Goodman, S., Bohanon, H. (2010, October). Toward true integration of academic and behavior response to intervention systems part one: Tier I supports. Communique, 39, 2.
Metcalf, T. (2009). Michigan's Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MiBLSi). Retrieved October 13, 2009,
Metcalf, T. (2013). What's your plan? Accurate decision making within a multi-tier system of supports: Critical areas in tier 1. Retrieved May 11, 2013,
Metcalf, T. (2013). What’s your plan? Accurate decision making within a multi-tier system of supports: Critical areas in tier 2. Retrieved June 26, 2013,
Mowrer, K. (2008, February). MiBLSi and RtI making way to secondary schools. The Bulletin. Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals.
Nantais, M. (2020, January 14). Five Questions that Every Team Should Ask About School-wide Behavior. Teach by Design. Retrieve from
Nantais, M., & Dyer, S. (Spring 2018). Creating a positive school climate through a multitiered system of supports. Leaderboard. Michigan Association of School Boards.
Payno-Simmons, R. L. (2017). Supportive practices for culturally and linguistically diverse students in PBIS schools: Part 1. Association of Positive Behavior Support Newsletter 15 (2) 2-3.
Payno-Simmons, R. L. (2017). Supportive practices for culturally and linguistically diverse students (CLDS) in PBIS schools: Part 2. Association of Positive Behavior Support Newsletter 15 (4) 2-3.
Payno-Simmons, R. (2020, February). Five Questions that Every Team Should Ask About Racial Disproportionality. Teach by Design. Retrieve from
Rodriguez, J. (2007). Response to Intervention (RtI) leads to a special education/general education infrastructure. Leading Change, 6, 22-23. Michigan Department of Education.
Rollenhagen, J., Goodman, S., & Barnes, A. C. (September 2017). Using data to address racial disproportionality in discipline practices. Communiqué, Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Schaughency, E. & Goodman, S. (2003, December). Schools link assessment to behavior intervention. Focus on Results. Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
Sharp, J. (2004, Winter). A principal answers questions about using the behavior and learning support initiative strategies. Leading Change. Michigan Department of Education.
Steinert-Otto, P. (2006, August). Urban schools implement response to intervention model: Moving toward an RtI model in Kalamazoo public schools. Focus on Results. Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
Thompson, J. J. (2004, Summer). Michigan makes early childhood literacy a priority for all children. Leading Change. Michigan Department of Education.
Zima, J. (2010, Oct). Implementation of systematic supervision: How school social workers can support positive behavior strategies. The E-Exchange. An electron publication of the Michigan Association of School Social Workers. Retrieved October 22, 2010 from
Dive into a peer-reviewed research conducted by our MiMTSS TA Center staff and collaborative partners.
Bohanon, H., Wu, M., Kushki, A., LeVesseur, C., Harms, A., Vera, E. (2021). The role of school improvement planning in the implementation of MTSS in secondary schools. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, DOI: 10.1080/1045988X.2021.1908215
Bohanon, H. M., Wu, M. J., Kushki, A., Vera, E., Carlson, J., LeVesseur, C., Goodman, S., Harms, A., Shriberg, D. (In Submission). Analysis of school improvement factors that enhance schoolwide implementation of multi-tiered systems of support.
Cambell, A., Rodriguez, B. J., Anderseon, C. & Barnes, A. (2013). Effects of a tier 2 intervention on classroom disruptive behavior and academic engagement. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 7, 32-54.
Ervin, R. A., Schaughency, E., Goodman, S. D., McGlinchey, M. T., & Matthews, A. (2006). Merging research and practice agendas to address reading and behavior schoolwide. School Psychology Review, 35, 198-223.
Ervin, R. A., Schaughency, E., Matthews, A., Goodman, S. D., & McGlinchey, M.T. (2006). Primary and secondary prevention of behavior difficulties: Developing a data-informed problem-solving model to guide decision making at a schoolwide level. Psychology in the Schools, 44, 7-18.
Goodman, S. (2013 March). Implementation of a District-Wide Multi-Tiered System of Supports Initiative through Stages of Implementation. The Utah Special Educator, 35, p. 20 – 21.
Hixson, M. D., & McGlinchey, M. T. (2002). Curriculum based measurement reading scores as dynamic indicators of basic reading skills, Journal of Precision Teaching and Celeration, 18,10-21.
LeVesseur, C., Morrison, J., Nantais, M. (2022). Educators' preferences for professional learning formats by Learning Objective. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 10(3), 43-50.
McGlinchey, M. T., & Hixson, M. D. (2004). Using curriculum based measurement to predict performance on state assessments in reading. School Psychology Review, 2, 193-203.
Meyers, D. C. (2007, Summer). The evolving educational placement of children with special needs. The Michigan Child Welfare Law Journal, 10, 20-27.
Morrison, J. Q., LeVesseur, C. A., Harms, A. L., & Zhang, J. (2022). Statewide recognition system for promoting implementation fidelity of multi-tiered system of supports. Research and Practice in the Schools, 9(1), 63-78.
Morrison, J. Q., & Rollenhagen, J. L. (2017). Commentary:Â Universal screening for social, emotional, and behavioral risk in schools using protective factors. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7:4. doi: 10.4172/2161-0487.1000314
Morrison, J. Q., Russell, C., Dyer, S., Metcalf, & Rahschulte, R. L. (2014). Organizational structures and processes to support and sustain effective technical assistance in a state-wide multi-tiered system of support. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2, 129 – 137
Ward, C. S., Harms, A., St. Martin, K., Cusumano, D., Russell, C., & Horner, R. H. (in press). Development and Technical Adequacy of the District Capacity Assessment. Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions.
Explore our contribution to the field of education through a range of books and chapters, penned by our knowledgeable staff.
Ervin, R. A., Schaughency, E., Goodman, S. D., McGlinchey, M.T., & Matthews, A. (2007). Moving from a model demonstration project to a statewide initiative in Michigan: Lessons learned from merging research-practice agendas to address reading and behavior. In Jimerson, S. R., Burn, M. K., and VanDeHeyden, A. M. (Eds) The Handbook of Response to Intervention: The Science and Practice of Assessment and Intervention (pp.354-377). New York: Springer.
Harms, A., & Morrison, J. (in press). Best Practices for Program Evaluation in School Settings. Best Practices in School Psychology (7th ed.). National Association of School Psychologists.
Marx, T. & Goodman, S., (2019). Roles and responsibilities for staff. In R. Zumeta Edmonds, A., Gruner Gandhi & L. Danielson (eds.) Essentials of intensive intervention. New York: Guilford Press.
McGlinchey, M. T., & Goodman, S. D. (2008). Best practices in implementing school reform. In A. Thomas and J. Grime (Eds.) Best Practices in School Psychology V. Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
McIntosh, K. & Goodman, S. (2016). Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Blending RTI and PBIS . New York: Guilford Press.
Morrison, J. Q., & Harms, A. (2018). Advancing evidence-based practice through program evaluation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Nantais, M., St. Martin, K.A., & Barnes, A.C. (2014). Best practices in facilitating professional development of school personnel in delivering multi-tiered services. Chapter in Best Practices in School Psychology
Nantais, M., St. Martin, K., &Â Barnes, A. (2015). Best practices in facilitating professional development of school personnel in delivering multi-tiered services. In A. Thomas & P. Harrison (Eds.) Best practices in school psychology-6. Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Pierce, J.D., & St. Martin, K. (2023). Coaching for Systems and Teacher Change. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
Putnam, R. F. & Goodman, S. (2014). Positive Behavior Support, Urban Settings. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed.) Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
Russell, C., & Harms, A. (2016). Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative: A Statewide System of Support for MTSS. In K. McIntosh & S. Goodman Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Blending RTI and PBIS. New York: Guilford Press.
Many MTSS research partners have defended dissertations and theses based on research conducted with participants from Michigan.
DeSilva, D., Dupuis, R., Eddy, B., Hetherton, R., Koski, E., Thomas, C., & Torok, J. (2009). An assessment of the impact of Michigan's Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative on student behavior and reading proficiency. Unpublished manuscript, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan.
Eichhorn, B. (2009). Implementation and effectiveness of response to intervention for the identification of learning disabilities. Masters Thesis, Northern Michigan University.
Ferlito, J., & Murdoch, A. (2024). Examining the impact of professional learning on data-based individualization implementation [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Mount St. Joseph University.
Gibbs, M. (2012) "Miblsi program evaluation of participatory elementary schools from 2003-2009". Wayne State University Dissertations. Paper 540.
Harms, A. L. (2010). A three-tier model of integrated behavior and learning supports: linking systems-wide implementation to student outcomes. Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University.
Henry, A. (2018). Positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) implementation and student problem behaviors: A correlational analysis (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Michigan - Flint, Flint, MI.
Johnson, S. E. (2009). Exploring the Ultimate Role of Central Office in the Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Professional Development: A Comparative Study.
Johnson, S. L. (2010). Daily Practices Elementary Principals Utilize to Increase Student Reading Achievement: A Case Study of Successful MIBLSI Elementary Schools. Doctoral dissertation, Western Michigan University.
Mrachko, J. C. (2015). Developing System-Level Capacity to Support Local Instructional Reform: The Case of One Large-Scale School Improvement Initiative. Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan.
Russell, C. (2011). Stability of popular R-CBM progress monitoring tools: DIBELS Next and AIMSWEB. Doctoral dissertation, Western Michigan University.
St. Martin, K. (2010). The Knowing-Doing Gap: The Influence of Teacher Feedback in Changing Principal Behavior—A Mixed Methods Study. Doctoral dissertation, Western Michigan University.
Turner, M., Steinman, A., Hyliard, D. (2019). MTSS Implementation in Michigan High Schools (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). Michigan State University, Lansing, MI.