State Personnel Development Grant



The Michigan Department of Education (MDE), in partnership with the Michigan Multi-Tiered System of Supports Technical Assistance Center, invites districts to apply for a federally-funded MTSS grant opportunity.

The focus is to implement an integrated literacy and social, emotional, behavioral framework in the preschool and elementary grades.

Who Can Apply

  • LEAs (districts) and Public School Academies
    • Acceptance priority will be given to partnership districts who meet the readiness criteria.
  • Districts or PSAs who are not partnership districts can still apply and will be considered for acceptance.
  • This application window is now closed. Applications will be reviewed and notifications will be sent out soon.
  • Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

Note: Survey Link to submit application is embedded within the application

Application Due Date: Application Window is now closed.

Grant Overview

Grant Overview

MDE was awarded a new State Personnel Development Grant in 2022.

Grant Focus

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Public School Academies (PSAs) who want to systematize MTSS implementation supports for preschool and early elementary settings to accelerate literacy, social, emotional, behavior outcomes.

  • Early childhood MTSS implementation for preschool programs operating within a district is optional.
  • Elementary implementation must minimally focus on kindergarten through second grades (early elementary) in at least one elementary school in the district.

The State Personnel Development Grant was intentionally written to compliment our State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP).

The SSIP is a comprehensive plan to scale-up an evidence-based practice to improve results for students with disabilities.

MDE has chosen Data-Based Individualization (DBI) to intensify literacy intervention instruction for students with disabilities starting in first and second grades.

The learning for the team who will oversee intervention access, effectiveness, and work with interventionists to determine instructional response will access professional learning, collect data, and have implementation support roles that are consistent with what is in our state’s SSIP.

Grant Objectives

Grant Objectives

The MiMTSS TA Center is responsible for providing annual updates to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) on progress related to four performance measures. Measures 1 and 3 are about internal TA Center systems. Measures 2 and 4 directly connect to implementation and outcomes within districts receiving professional learning using SPDG funding.

  1. Michigan’s Multi-Tiered System of Support Technical Assistance (MiMTSS TA) Center will achieve scores of 3 or 4 on the Evidence-Based Professional Development Rubric (50% in 2024, 60% in 2025, 70% in 2026, 80% in 2027)
  2. Within the first four months of each school year, reading interventionists in participating schools will achieve an intervention fidelity threshold between 70-90%, as measured by fidelity observation checklist data collected by instructional coaches in the school and reliability checks conducted by TA Center staff using video recordings of intervention lessons (targets: (2 interventionists in 2024, and an additional 2 interventionists per participating school each subsequent year).
  3. By February 2024 and all years thereafter, 20% of SPDG funds will be used to provide districts and schools with ongoing technical assistance beyond initial professional learning to support MTSS implementation efforts.
  4. We will increase the percent of target students with significant reading needs who make greater progress from fall to spring compared to other students who began the school year at a comparable reading level (24% in 2024, 26% in 2025, 28% in 2026, 30% in 2027).