District Implementation Team Orientation

This module provides District Implementation Teams with an understanding of the intensive technical assistance partnership, defines a district implementation infrastructure, outlines research to support high-quality implementation, and develops team operating procedures to set the team up for success.


  1. Interactive Review
  2. Role of the District Implementation Team
  3. Effective Teaming Structures
  4. Next Steps


  • Recorded Module: MiMTSS Intensive Technical Assistance Partnership Overview [video]
  • Review your district’s application, MiMTSS Intensive TA professional learning scope and sequences, and the rationale for required assessments
  • Recorded Module: Installing a District Infrastructure to Support MTSS [video]
  • Review your district’s version of the document titled “DIT Recruitment and Selection”
  • Review and respond to the question in the “DIT Orientation Vocabulary and Reflection Questions” shared with you by your Implementation Specialist

Live Session

  • Outcomes:
    • Define a district implementation infrastructure to support MTSS
    • Outline research supported practices for high-quality implementation
    • Explain the role of the DIT and how it fits in with other district structures
    • Develop processes for structuring effective and efficient DIT meetings


  • Finalize and use your DIT operating procedures, including agenda and implementation plan templates
  • Ensure all team members are assigned district-level access to the MiMTSS Data System
  • Update DIT Installation Checklists until they are at 100% completion