The MiMTSS TA Center provides many resources and supports for educators that wish to participate in exploratory learning around MTSS or engage in the implementation of MTSS practices for a particular purpose. Supports range from live Professional Learning Series offerings to quick, on-demand videos that highlight MTSS practices that can be implemented the next day. Knowing which technical assistance options to access requires an educator to consider their own needs, capacity, and goals. Below, educators can find several resources to help them consider and pursue the best path forward.
- What do the data patterns in my sphere of influence (e.g., classroom, intervention) suggest might be areas to build capacity in related to MTSS?
- What other initiatives am I currently responsible for implementing? How might implementation of MTSS in particular content areas complement this work, conflict with this work, or over-extend me?
- What are my short and long-term goals for attending and/or implementing professional learning?
- How does the implementation of MTSS fit with family and community values
- How much time can I allocate to attending training?
- What is my capacity to implement practices I learn from professional learning opportunities?
- What, if any, administrative policies/procedures or organizational changes must be made to allow me to implement MTSS practices?
- Is district or school leadership knowledgeable about and in support of MTSS?
- If district leadership is supportive of MTSS and desires to scale-up implementation across the district, consider having district leaders visit the District Capacity Building page.
- If district leadership is not ready to implement MTSS across the district, but your building leader desires to implement MTSS across the school, consider having school leaders visit the School Capacity Building page.
TA Options
TA Options
The TA Center offers many learning options to fit the varying needs, capacities, and goals of educators across the state. These options have all been organized into a Staff Learning Plan, which is broken down by focus area and can be accessed by individual educators to understand the professional learning options available to them. The learning plans include both live and on-demand learning opportunities. View the Staff Learning Plans to see learning plan options broken down by staff role: