Early Childhood MTSS

Early Childhood Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, or EC PBIS, is a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) framework for social, emotional, and behavioral health (SEBH) in young children. The focus of EC PBIS is on building the infrastructure necessary to support staff and children and the use of data to improve outcomes for all children. The classroom practices at the center of EC PBIS are all organized into tiers on the “Pyramid Model for Promoting Social and Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children”, or the Pyramid Model. 

While the practices within the Pyramid Model could be implemented within just one classroom, a number of positive outcomes for staff, families, and children occur when the Pyramid Model is implemented program-wide. This program-wide implementation is guided by a leadership team and focused on the common goal of implementing the Pyramid Model with fidelity in all classrooms within a building. Within Michigan, when we refer to the program-wide efforts to implement the Pyramid Model, we call it Early Childhood PBIS.

To learn more about the Pyramid Model, please visit the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovation’s (NCPMI) website at challengingbehavior.org.



Implementing EC PBIS requires an EC PBIS Leadership Team and individuals to serve in systems and instructional coaching roles.

EC PBIS Leadership Team 

The EC PBIS Leadership Team is comprised of 5-7 team members, including at least one preschool teacher, a Classroom Coach, a family member, a behavior support person, and an administrator who can allocate resources and make fiscal and personnel decisions. If a site includes different types of programming (e.g., GSRP, Head Start, and ECSE), multiple administrators or their representatives may need to sit on the team to ensure consistent messaging to all staff and families. The unique context of each implementation site and its relationship with its ISD and District should be considered when confirming team membership.

EC PBIS Leadership Team Coach

The EC PBIS Leadership Team Coach is an external coach from the ISD, district, or community-based organization who provides systems-level support to EC PBIS Leadership Teams. The LT Coach provides coaching, training, and technical assistance to the EC PBIS Leadership Team to support implementation efforts. ISDs and LEAs are encouraged to explore multiple avenues for identifying someone in their region/district.

EC PBIS Leadership Team Coaches who have completed the training sequence and are supporting an EC PBIS Leadership Team can qualify as an EC PBIS Leadership Team Coach. Details are provided below.

Preschool Pyramid Model Classroom Coach

The Preschool Pyramid Model Classroom Coach provides ongoing coaching support to teaching teams using Practice-Based Coaching. This person might be an Early Childhood Specialist (ECS), Head Start Classroom Coach, Teacher Consultant, or identified behavior support person familiar with preschool classrooms and teaching teams. 

Pyramid Model Preschool Classroom Coaches who have completed the training sequence and are coaching teaching teams can qualify as a Pyramid Model Preschool Classroom Coach.. Details are provided below.

Data Tools

Data Tools

Early Childhood Program-wide PBS Benchmarks of Quality (EC-BOQ)

The Early Childhood Program-Wide PBS Benchmarks of Quality (EC-BOQ) is a tool designed to measure the implementation efforts of the seven key components of EC PBIS. The results of the team self-assessment guide action planning. More information can be found on the EC-BOQ page.

Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)

The Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) is a classroom observation tool that measures teachers' implementation fidelity of the Pyramid Model. It is completed by Preschool Classroom Coaches, and its primary use is as a coaching tool. More information can be found on the TPOT page.

Behavior Incident Reports (BIR) Data

Collecting Behavior Incident Reports (BIR) data allows preschool programs to analyze behavior incidents in order to address program-wide and classroom behaviors more efficiently. Teachers collect data on behavior incidents that are not developmentally normative or are a cause of concern. These data are summarized monthly to guide action planning at the program, classroom, and child level.

BIR data can be collected using either the Behavior Incident Reports System (BIRS) or the Early Childhood version of the School-wide Information System (EC-SWIS).

What We Offer

What We Offer

We have several professional learning sessions to meet the needs of teams and individuals in various roles. Early childhood sessions are available on an ongoing basis and can be found on the professional learning page.

Just getting started? Check out the Overview of Early Childhood PBIS.

For Professional Learning Facilitators

Interested in Building Regional Capacity to Support Preschool programs in your area? Our Professional Learning Facilitator sessions are designed to support local and regional training capacity. Individuals who attend should have completed the prerequisites and have experience with EC PBIS and the Pyramid Model practices.

  • Preschool Pyramid Model Practices and Practice-Based Coaching Professional Learning Facilitator sessions 
    • Prerequisites: Preschool Pyramid Model Practices and Practice-Based Coaching
  • EC PBIS Leadership Team Professional Learning Facilitator session 
    • Prerequisites: EC PBIS Leadership Team series, including the EC PBIS Leadership Team Coach session

For Teachers and Teaching Teams

  • Preschool Pyramid Model Practices 

For Classroom Coaches

  • Preschool Pyramid Model Practices (prerequisite for additional sessions)
  • Practice-Based Coaching
  • Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)
  • Preschool Pyramid Model Classroom Coach Community of Practice

For Teams

  • EC PBIS Leadership Team series, including an Orientation for administrators and Leadership Team Coaches and a separate session just for Leadership Team Coaches
  • Early Childhood Behavior Incident Reports (BIRs) for EC PBIS Leadership Teams, data coordinators, and anyone serving in a coaching role

For Leadership Team Coaches

  • EC PBIS Leadership Team series, including an Orientation for administrators and Leadership Team Coaches and a separate session just for Leadership Team Coaches
  • Early Childhood Leadership Team Coach Community of Practice

For Individuals who Provide Behavior Support

  • Prevent, Teach, Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC) for behavior support staff and anyone serving in a coaching role
    • Prerequisite: Preschool Pyramid Model Practices