Early Childhood Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, or EC PBIS, is a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) framework for social, emotional, and behavioral health (SEBH) in young children. The focus of EC PBIS is on building the infrastructure necessary to support staff and children and the use of data to improve outcomes for all children. The classroom practices at the center of EC PBIS are all organized into tiers on the “Pyramid Model for Promoting Social and Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children”, or the Pyramid Model.
While the practices within the Pyramid Model could be implemented within just one classroom, a number of positive outcomes for staff, families, and children occur when the Pyramid Model is implemented program-wide. This program-wide implementation is guided by a leadership team and focused on the common goal of implementing the Pyramid Model with fidelity in all classrooms within a building. Within Michigan, when we refer to the program-wide efforts to implement the Pyramid Model, we call it Early Childhood PBIS.
To learn more about the Pyramid Model, please visit the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovation’s (NCPMI) website at challengingbehavior.org.