Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)

The Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) is a classroom observation tool that measures teachers' implementation fidelity of the Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children (i.e., Pyramid Model). It is completed by Preschool Classroom Coaches, and its primary use is as a coaching tool. 

The TPOT measures:

  • Key Practices - for example, how friendship skills and problem-solving are taught, how families are included in the classroom, etc.
  • Red Flags - indicators that are incompatible with the implementation of the Pyramid Model 
  • Response to Challenging Behavior - consistent use of effective strategies for responding to challenging behavior 

The Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool was developed by Lise Fox, Mary Louise Hemmeter, and Patricia Snyder (2013).


Administering the Assessment

Administering the Assessment

The TPOT is completed by an early childhood Classroom Coach who has been trained as a TPOT Reliable Observer. The MiMTSS TA Center offers training for Classroom Coaches to become TPOT Reliable Observers. Classroom Coaches must complete the following training before completing the TPOT observation.

  • Preschool Pyramid Model Practices
  • Practice-Based Coaching
  • TPOT

Sessions are offered on an ongoing basis. Learners can find the courses and register on the professional learning page.

Assessment Schedule

Assessment Schedule

In the first year of implementation of the Pyramid Model, the TPOT should be administered twice, once as a baseline soon after teachers are trained in the Preschool Pyramid Practices, and once at approximately 6 months into implementation. This allows comparison to identify growth and continued need for training and support for the implementation of the practices to fidelity. 

After the first year of implementation, the TPOT observation can be administered annually, in the spring. 

Estimated Time

Estimated Time

TPOT Reliable Observers should reserve approximately 4 hours for each administration of the TPOT, which includes an observation, interview, and time for scoring. The TPOT observation takes approximately 2 hours to complete. The classroom coach will observe large and small group times, as well as teacher-led, and child-led activities. In addition to the observation, the classroom coach will conduct a teacher interview, which typically takes 20 minutes. 

Once the observation and interview are complete, and the TPOT is scored, a debrief session is scheduled with the teacher. The data from the TPOT observation is used to support goal setting and action planning with the teacher.

Data Entry

Data Entry

TPOT data is entered into a spreadsheet. Once the data is entered, graphs will populate and can be used when reviewing the assessment with the teachers. Additionally, data can be aggregated by classroom or by program level, allowing for the EC PBIS Leadership Team to identify growth and areas of need to make decisions for training needs, supports, and resources for the program.