Initiative and Innovation Review Process

Selection and deselection of educational initiatives and innovations should be the result of a thorough analysis of critical factors related to successful implementation, including resources required and evidence of effectiveness. District Implementation Teams will develop a high-quality review process to be used when selecting initiatives, innovations, and assessments.


  1. Interactive Review
  2. Initiative and Innovation Review Process
  3. Next Steps


Live Session

  • Outcomes:
    • Explain the purpose and identify the core components of an initiative and innovation review process
    • Develop fluency in using the review process
    • Refine and finalize the draft of the district’s process for executive leadership approval


  • Finalize the initiative and innovation review process
  • Determine what needs to be communicated to staff to ensure processes are used
  • Use the process to de-select or re-select based on the results of the initiative inventory and alignment process
  • Use the process to selection initiatives, innovations, and assessments when there is an identified need
  • Update DIT Installation Checklists until they are at 100% completion