Tier 1 SEB Supports in Non-Classroom Settings

This series guides schools to install or strengthen Tier 1 Social, Emotional, and Behavioral (SEB) supports and enhance existing school-wide systems and practices with the use of data and an intentional focus on social-emotional, trauma-informed, and equity concepts in order to increase time spent on academic instruction by increasing positive, prosocial school behaviors.

Session 1



  1. Defining SEB Supports
  2. Effective Team Structures
  3. Identifying and Defining SEB Expectations
  4. Teaching Expectations
  5. In-put and Feedback from staff, students, and families


  • Build knowledge and understanding of School-Wide SEB (PBIS and SEL Frameworks)
  • Identify ways to create or expand your School Leadership Team
  • Define the next steps in creating SW behavior expectations and teaching the expectations within the SW-SEB system
  • Explore and identify ways to intentionally seek input and participation from staff, students, and families with diverse perspectives when developing school-wide behavior expectations and creating the Tier 1 behavior system

Session 2


School leadership teams will develop plans to integrate staff and parents in the creation of their school-wide PBIS system and learn about measuring fidelity of implementation.


  1. Monitoring SEB Expectations
  2. Acknowledgment Systems
  3. Understanding and Responding to Interfering Behaviors
  4. Implementation and Outcome Data
  5. Kickoff and Next Steps


  • Identify some ways for staff to intentionally monitor students' social, emotional, and behavioral skills
  • Explore the critical features and types of acknowledgment
  • Reflect on traditional ways of responding to behaviors and identify effective responses to behavior
  • Understand the purpose of implementation and outcome data in supporting the improvement of SEB supports