Shared MTSS Understanding Using the MTSS Practice Profile

The MDE MTSS Practice Profile guides the development and refinement of the necessary supports for MTSS Implementation (e.g., professional learning). These sessions prepare ISD leaders and staff to use the Practice Profile to help create internal staff capacity to develop and support the use of components within an MTSS Framework.


Session 1

  1. Why MTSS?
  2. MTSS Essential Components & ISD Supports

Session 2

  1. Interactive Review
  2. Available Technical Assistance
  3. Readiness: Potential Next Steps


  • Identify the five essential components of the MTSS Practice Profile
  • Relate the critical information within the Essential Components to additional MTSS related professional learning available to ISD's for capacity-building efforts
  • Measure staff readiness to develop an MTSS capacity-building plan



Participants will complete the following activities independently, prior to the Live Zoom Session:

Live Zoom Session
