Family Partnerships: Literacy as a Life Skill

Parents and caregivers are invited as we deepen our knowledge and understanding of literacy as a life skill. Learn why literacy skills are crucial for life-long success, how the brain learns to read, and the scope and sequence of skills needed for mastery. Leave with resources and ideas for collaborative relationships with educators as we partner for student success.

Training Information


  1. Introductions, Aspirations, Myths and Facts
  2. Big Ideas
  3. Why Literacy skills are critical in life
  4. What kids need to know and be able to do
  5. Supporting your child at home and school
  6. Wrapping it up: Reflection, Action Planning, and Resources


  • Differentiate between myths and facts
  • Summarize how the brain learns and the learning progression
  • Accurately share your learning with other parents, educators, or community members
  • Reflect on your role in developing relationships, celebrating strengths, bidirectional communication, and lifting barriers.