Intensifying Literacy Instruction Summer Series

Our Summer Intensifying Literacy Instruction series focuses on the advanced tiers within an MTSS framework. This team-based professional learning includes facilitated work time for Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs). It is designed to ensure an intervention system for one reading intervention for first and/or second grade that allows teams to engage in Data-Based Individualization is in place for the start of the upcoming school year.

Session 1


  1. Welcome & Getting Started
  2. Intensifying LIteracy Instruction & Data-Based Individualization (DBI)
  3. Setting Up Your MDT for Success
  4. Intervention System
  5. Next Steps, Preview, & Wrap Up


  • Identify the steps of the Data-Based Individualization (DBI) process
  • Define a standard-treatment protocol intervention
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)
  • Establish effective meeting protocols for MDT meetings
  • Begin developing or refining the school’s intervention system

Session 2

Session 3