Mental Health Awareness for Educators Series

This series is designed to increase educators’ exposure to and knowledge of various aspects of mental health and well-being and how they can impact students and manifest in the school setting. Introductory and non-clinical training sessions will be provided on 5 topics.

Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences


  1. Understanding ACEs
  2. The Impact of ACEs
  3. Supporting Students
  4. Wrap-Up and Next Steps


  • Understand what Adverse Childhood Experiences are
  • Understand the negative impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Begin to consider the ways that schools can support individuals impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Build educator capacity to become Mental Health Aware

Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors


  1. Understanding Behavior
  2. The Impact
  3. Supporting Students
  4. Wrap-Up and Next Steps


  • Increase knowledge about what internalizing and externalizing behaviors are
  • Have a better understanding of how individuals are impacted by internalizing and externalizing behaviors
  • Begin to consider ways that schools can support individuals engaging in internalizing and externalizing behaviors
  • Build educator capacity to become Mental Health Aware

Anxiety Disorders 101


  1. What is Anxiety?
  2. Anxiety and Schools
  3. Supporting Students
  4. Wrap-Up and Next Steps


  • Understand what Anxiety is and what Anxiety Disorders are
  • Understand several ways that Anxiety manifests in children and adolescents
  • Begin to consider ways that schools can support individuals dealing with anxiety
  • Build educator capacity to become Mental Health Aware

Depressive Disorders 101


  1. Understanding Depression
  2. Depression and Schools
  3. Supporting Students
  4. Wrap-Up and Next Steps


  • Understand what Depression is and what Depressive Disorders are
  • Understand ways that Depression can impact students
  • Begin to consider ways that schools can support individuals dealing with Depression
  • Build educator capacity to become Mental Health Aware

Trauma Responses in the Classroom


  1. Understanding Trauma
  2. Trauma Responses
  3. Supporting Students
  4. Wrap-Up and Next Steps


  • Define what trauma is
  • Identify four common trauma responses
  • List ways that schools can support individuals impacted by trauma
  • Build educator capacity to become Mental Health Aware