MTSS Essential Components Series

Developing a common understanding and shared language around MTSS is critical. In this four-part series, sessions will focus on the five Essential Components of MTSS:

-Session 1: Team-Based Leadership

-Session 2: Tiered Delivery System

-Session 3: Selection & Implementation of Instruction, Intervention & Supports

-Session 4: Comprehensive Screening & Assessment System, and Continuous Data-Based Decision Making

Examples of how districts and schools have applied these MTSS essential components in their setting will be shared. When the five components are in place, structures exist to support educators with strong implementation of systems and practices to ensure that learners experience an equitable and high-quality education system that builds on their strengths and has a continuum of supports to address needs.


Prior to Session 1, review the Multi-Tiered System of Supports interactive overview to familiarize yourself with MTSS as defined by the Michigan Department of Education.


Each session:

  1. MDE MTSS Practice Profile Essential Component
  2. Essential Component Applied to the District Level
  3. Essential Component Applied to the School Level
  4. Next Steps


  • Identify each of the five Essential Components of the MDE MTSS Practice Profile
  • Understand each MTSS component as applied to both the district and school levels
  • Identify the tools and next steps your organization will employ to continuously improve your MTSS efforts