Tier 1 Reading Components of an MTSS Framework – Coaching Support Session

The Tier 1 Reading Components of an MTSS Framework Coaching Support training is designed to equip coaches with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to support school leadership teams in the successful training, installation, and implementation of a school-wide reading model within their school.


  1. Status Update
  2. Simple View of Reading Continued
  3. Grade-Level Team Structures
  4. Comprehensive Tier 1 Reading Assessment System


  • Understand how the Simple View of Reading provides a foundation for specific parts of the reading components of an MTSS framework
  • Differentiate the role of the School Leadership Team (SLT) and the Grade-Level Teams in supporting the implementation of the Tier 1 reading components of an MTSS framework
  • Review current grade-level teaming structures and develop recommendations for the SLT to consider to strengthen or enhance current structures
  • Begin the Reading Assessment System "fact-finding" document and determine what needs to be gathered and from who prior to the SLT training