Tier 1 Reading Components of an Elementary MTSS Framework – School Leadership Team Orientation

This session supports the development of the School Leadership Team (SLT) that works to install and lead the use of Tier 1 reading components of an MTSS framework.


  1. The Reading Components of an Elementary MRSS Framework
  2. The Roles of the School Leadership Team and the Systems Coach
  3. SLT Operating Procedures
  4. Simple View of Reading: An Introduction


  • Articulate their role in supporting the universal infrastructure for attending to the reading data, systems, and practices as a part of the tier 1 reading components of an MTSS framework
  • Describe the role of the system coach
  • Refine the SLT operating procedures and begin your school's MTSS Implementation Plan
  • Summarize how the Simple View of Reading equation works and the importance of both parts of the equation


Presentation (1009.75 KB)