Parents and caregivers are invited as we deepen our knowledge and understanding of common areas where reading breaks down. Revisit how the brain learns to read, the learning progression, and what breaks down in learning to read and why. Leave with ideas for what to look for, resources to help, and ways to collaborate with educators.
- Welcome, Introduction, Reflection on Learning to Read, Review
- Simple View of Reading, Formula, Where Reading Breaks Down
- How to Help at Home and School
- Questions & Answers
- Reflect on your own experience learning to read
- Review and summarize how the brain learns and the learning progression
- understand what breaks down in learning to read and how to help
- Accurately share with other parents, educators, community members
- Reflect on your own role in developing relationships, celebrating strengths, bidirectional communication, and lifting barriers
Sources of Reading Difficulty
(6.87 MB)
Definitions Sources of Reading Difficulty
(363.86 KB)
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