School Leadership Team Coach Data Review Resources

Coaches play a critical role in supporting the School Leadership Team (SLT) in their review of school-wide data within a continuous improvement process. Coaches use a Coach’s Checklist to help them prepare to support their teams. The checklist prompts the coach to carefully consider where the SLT should focus its attention (e.g., Tier 1 Behavior supports). The coach selects a specific Data Review Worksheet and Data Interpretation Tool(s) that match the team’s current focus for implementation. (See guidance below.) The coach’s checklists, worksheets, data interpretation tools, and additional resources can be found under Tools and Resources on the right-hand side of this page.

General Guidance

General Guidance

Under Tools and Resources on the right-hand side of this page, you will find multiple Data Review Worksheets and Data Interpretation Tools to choose from. Make sure the worksheet and tool(s) you select are a good match for the current focus for implementation in your building. For example, if your SLT is reviewing and selecting interventions and drafting guidance on how the school will implement Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports, but none (or very little) of this work has rolled out to your building yet and your staff is primarily focused on the school-wide implementation of Tier 1 supports, you will want to keep the focus of Data Review at Tier 1. This is an opportunity for the SLT to set aside its current installation work for a moment to check on what’s actually being implemented in the building.

Guidance for Intensive Technical Assistance (TA) Partners

Guidance for Intensive Technical Assistance (TA) Partners

For Intensive TA Partners, we recommend using specific worksheets and tools at certain points in the training sequence. Consult with your trainer for additional guidance if needed.

Integrated MTSS

Point in Training Sequence Recommended Continuous Improvement Worksheet Recommended Data Interpretation Tool
Year 2 Winter Elementary and Secondary Tier 1 Elementary and Secondary Tier 1 Behavior
Year 2 Spring, Year 3 Fall Elementary and Secondary Tier 1 Elementary and Secondary Tier 1 Behavior


Elementary Tier 1 Reading


Secondary Tier 1 Reading/Engagement
Year 3 Winter and Beyond

Elementary and Secondary Advanced Tiers

(If Tier 1 fidelity scores are at or near criterion and you’re starting to see improvements in outcomes)

Elementary and Secondary Tier 2/Tier 3 Behavior


Elementary Tier 2/Tier 3 Reading


Secondary Tier 2/Tier 3 Reading/Engagement


Point in Training Sequence Recommended Continuous Improvement Worksheet Recommended Data Interpretation Tool
Year 2 Winter, Spring Elementary and Secondary Tier 1 Elementary and Secondary Tier 1 Behavior
Year 3 and Beyond

Elementary and Secondary Advanced Tiers

(If Tier 1 fidelity scores are at or near criterion and you’re starting to see improvements in outcomes)

Elementary and Secondary Tier 2/Tier 3 Behavior