This course explores that while Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and the Science of Reading (SOR) are both critical educational components, they require meaningful integration to meet all learners' needs. Participants will learn how these two key elements maximize K-12 learner outcomes through effective literacy instruction and intervention. The session highlights alignment across the levels to assist in stakeholder ability to identify why integration is essential for peak implementation of MTSS. Information provided will assist attendees in examining whether the current curriculum and intervention intensification methods align with the science supporting how all brains learn to read.
This professional learning series will provide an awareness and foundational knowledge of the exploration and installation of the organizational structures, processes, and systems required for the integration of Mental Health (MH) and Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Health (SEBH) at the district level in order to achieve positive social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes for all students
This series is designed to increase educators’ exposure to and knowledge of various aspects of mental health and well-being and how they can impact students and manifest in the school setting. Introductory and non-clinical training sessions will be provided on 5 topics.
The MiMTSS Data System is a free-access web-based data system designed for LEAs, ISDs, and MDE to gather and analyze data that are critical for the continuous improvement of MTSS in Michigan. When teams use data to drive decisions about MTSS, it is more likely that MTSS will be implemented and sustained to support each and every learner.
Developing a common understanding and shared language around MTSS is critical. In this four-part series, sessions will focus on the five Essential Components of MTSS:
-Session 1: Team-Based Leadership
-Session 2: Tiered Delivery System
-Session 3: Selection & Implementation of Instruction, Intervention & Supports
-Session 4: Comprehensive Screening & Assessment System, and Continuous Data-Based Decision Making
Examples of how districts and schools have applied these MTSS essential components in their setting will be shared. When the five components are in place, structures exist to support educators with strong implementation of systems and practices to ensure that learners experience an equitable and high-quality education system that builds on their strengths and has a continuum of supports to address needs.
Early Childhood Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (EC PBIS) and implementation of the Pyramid Model support the social-emotional competence of young children. This training provides an overview of early childhood PBIS, including the data, systems, and practices necessary for implementation. Participants will also be provided with readiness activities to help determine their next steps.
Supporting the academic and behavioral needs of students beyond Tier 1 is critical. Intervention systems outline the process for using data, systems, and practices necessary for implementation.
Integrating Social, Emotional, and Behavioral (SEB) supports and mental health services can improve student outcomes. This training provides an overview of integration at the district, school, and classroom levels, including the data, systems, and practices necessary for implementation. Participants will also be provided with readiness activities to help determine their next steps.
Implementing Social, Emotional, and Behavioral (SEB) supports school-wide can improve outcomes for students. SEB supports in non-classroom settings include a focus on the data, systems, and practices necessary for implementation.