The MiMTSS Data System is a free-access web-based data system designed for LEAs, ISDs, and MDE to gather and analyze data that are critical for the continuous improvement of MTSS in Michigan. When teams use data to drive decisions about MTSS, it is more likely that MTSS will be implemented and sustained to support each and every learner.
Developing a common understanding and shared language around MTSS is critical. In this four-part series, sessions will focus on the five Essential Components of MTSS:
-Session 1: Team-Based Leadership
-Session 2: Tiered Delivery System
-Session 3: Selection & Implementation of Instruction, Intervention & Supports
-Session 4: Comprehensive Screening & Assessment System, and Continuous Data-Based Decision Making
Examples of how districts and schools have applied these MTSS essential components in their setting will be shared. When the five components are in place, structures exist to support educators with strong implementation of systems and practices to ensure that learners experience an equitable and high-quality education system that builds on their strengths and has a continuum of supports to address needs.
Early Childhood Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (EC PBIS) and implementation of the Pyramid Model support the social-emotional competence of young children. This training provides an overview of early childhood PBIS, including the data, systems, and practices necessary for implementation. Participants will also be provided with readiness activities to help determine their next steps.
Integrating Social, Emotional, and Behavioral (SEB) supports and mental health services can improve student outcomes. This training provides an overview of integration at the district, school, and classroom levels, including the data, systems, and practices necessary for implementation. Participants will also be provided with readiness activities to help determine their next steps.
Phonics for Reading is a research validated program that focuses on decoding, encoding (writing), fluency, and comprehension skills usually mastered in grades K to 3. The program uses explicit, teacher-directed instruction to introduce skills and strategies. Participants will learn the science behind the program as well as how to implement the program.
When Practice-Based Coaching (PBC) is used with fidelity, it leads to positive changes in teachers’ implementation of Pyramid Model practices. This change in classroom practices is related to positive outcomes for children and teachers. Pyramid Model Preschool Classroom Coaches play an important role in supporting and sustaining high fidelity of Pyramid Model practices in preschool classrooms. This series provides Preschool Classroom Coaches with the information they need to support Pyramid Model practices through the use of Practice-Based Coaching.
The Pyramid Model for Promoting Social and Emotional Competence is a multi-tiered system of support for young children. It can support any early childhood education curriculum and, when implemented with fidelity, improves social-emotional outcomes for all children. This series provides information and instructional strategies for implementing all levels of the Pyramid Model for preschool classrooms.
This series is designed to support individuals who facilitate or participate on teams completing functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans for preschool children. Participants will learn about the manualized Prevent, Teach, Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC) process, which is a research-based process designed to reduce the challenging behaviors of young children and support children with engagement in positive relationships, social-emotional competencies, and classroom learning. The series will help providers implement the assessment and intervention strategies with a high level of fidelity, leading to improved outcomes for children.
The Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory 2.0 (R-TFI 2.0) has been updated based on validation efforts, reading research, MTSS implementation, and? methods for intensifying instruction. The session will prepare existing R-TFI Facilitators to understand the changes to the tool to administer the R-TFI successfully to school teams. Prerequisites: Previous in-person R-TFI Facilitator Training or the EduPaths R-TFI 1.0 Facilitator Course series in EduPaths
This orientation meeting is designed to provide an overview of the role of the School Leadership Team and ensure the team is set up for success prior to engaging in school-level training.