This highly interactive 3-part series is designed to support individuals who facilitate and/or participate on teams completing Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs). Participants will learn about the FBA/BIP process, support tools, and information on how to facilitate the process.
Session 1
- Understanding Behavior Science
- A-B-C Paradigm
- DASH Process
- Understand the difference between legal mandates and best practices associated with FBA and BIP
- Define key terms to other team members, school staff, and families
- Explain the ABC paradigm
Session 2
- Interactive Review
- FBA Facilitation
- Competing Pathway
- What's the Plan?
- Facilitate the Basic FBA process
- Apply the Prevent, Teach, Respond framework to develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Session 3
- Interactive Review
- What's the Plan?
- Scripts
- Evaluation
- Apply the Prevent, Teach, Respond framework to develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
- Effectively evaluate the quality of an FBA and BIP
- Apply a metric to measure both the implementation and impact of the plan